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Thursday, August 28, 2008

Give, Bid, Bid!

Do you know what today is? Today is Nie Nie Day! This is a very special day where there are over 100 auctions swirling around blog world. Why are there auctions? Because there is a mama in need. All of these auctions contribute to the Stephanie and Christian Nielson Recovery fund.

Imagine not being able to see or talk to your children for months.
Imagine surgery after surgery to repair your burned skin.
Imagine months and months in a hospital bed.
Imagine your profile being forever changed.
And now imagine the piles of medical bills.

Let's help out a family in need. Go to Design Mom for a list of loads of auctions. Here are a few auctions I am partial to:

Blog headers designed especially for YOU by Megan
Hair cut and color by Caitlyn (only in Utah Valley)
Original art work by Mallory (some really RAD stuff)

So prepare your pocket books. Like I said, there is a mama in need. Strengthen the thread that connects us all.


[Morgan] said...

your family is so flippin' talented! i love it all.

Ruth said...

I've been a readr of her blog. I think it is so amazing how the blog world is uniting and raising funds for them.

whitneyingram said...

Morgan, I do have some talented sisters. Mal, Cat and Megan's talents are just the tip of the ice berg. We haven't even mentioned Haley and Lo!

Mal, your paintings rock.

Ruth, this whole thing is a testament that the internet really can be used for good things.