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Friday, April 17, 2009


Do you read Design Mom? I don't think anyone doesn't. Her Guest Mom this last week was Amy Smart. On her last day, she posted about creating something, anything. She creates things with her sewing machine and they are lovely. While I read that post, I was reminded of a talk (a.k.a. sermon) by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf of the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It was a very compelling talk for women all around the world. Click here for a little video of the highlights of the talk. Very inspiring. I hope it will change the way you feel about your influence to those around you.

Reading Amy's post and watching that video again got me thinking. Thinking about creating and what it does for me. What do I create? I create in the kitchen. I create dinner for my family. I create a snack for a hungry toddler. I create a chocolate cake for someone's birthday. I create dinner for a family with a new baby. I even create a warm bottle for a fussy baby. Getting into the kitchen does a lot for me. I get excited to develop a new recipe and have my family try it out. The kitchen is familiar to me and I am able to create and be inspired.

For some, the kitchen might not be a familiar place. But maybe the familiar place is outside in the garden among the tomatoes and the zucchini. Maybe you are familiar with being behind the lens of your camera. Maybe familiarity lies with sewing your daughters new Sunday dress or being behind a canvas with a paint brush. Wherever familiarity meets creativity, let it make a home in your heart.

I think it is vital that we as women do not compare our creative abilities. While some can sing beautifully, I most definitely cannot. But I don't let that get me down. There are so many creative and able women out there. Each has their aptitude for certain things, just like me. I am profoundly grateful that I have found my aptitude that gives me an outlet.

Creating something doesn't have to be a hobby. In fact, I am creating all day. I create an organized sock drawer for my husband. I create a comfy, warm spot for my son to watch a movie. I create a song to sing to my baby to occupy him while I change his diaper. I create an outing for me and my boys. I am creating all day and trying to remember to do it with care and flare.

So create. Make something that benefits you and those around you. Uplift and inspire with your talents. Don't listen to that little naysayer inside of you.


karin said...

What a great post. I am going to have to remember to create with care and flare (sometimes the creating gets monotonous).

Haley said...

Thanks for the post, good to hear all this. Really.

[Morgan] said...

just what i needed to here today my friend. if only i could explain to you how much.
i'm a mom, a wife, a preschool teacher, and serve the little ones in my church. and lately? i haven't done it with an ounce of care of flare.

a rut. i've been saying. a bad rut.
but, perhaps the lack of care and flare have bit more to do with my attitude than anything else.

i've compared myself to those whom are great in the kitchen. really, i stink in the kitchen. but, my husband doesn't. so i will surrender that title (or fault of mine) to him. and change my focus on what i can create:)

thanks for the reminder that what i can do, what i can create, matters. even if i find myself feeling like it doesn't:)

your words of wisdom rock.

Just Sue said...

It's 'posts' like this that make me know YOU ARE MY NIECE! Yahoo! Great thinking! Great creating! Great writing! And as an after thought...I can't get enough of your recipe for acorn squash. I'm addicted.