It is a day of mourning, rejoicing and reflection. Mourning because I have a kid big enough to go to preschool and I could swear I was nursing him yesterday (thank heavens I wasn't. 4 seems a little old.). Rejoicing because I love moving into new phases and watching him grow. And reflection because I am so pleased with the child he is becoming. It is a complete joy to watch my boys learn and develop and I am sure many moms can relate.
Bitter and sweet. The parenting paradox.
I'm a cryer-Mom whenever my children reach a milestone. :)
I can't wait to read about what Mr. Jack's up to at school. He's such a BOY. :)
I can relate, my baby is starting Kindergarten on Thursday.
Congratulations! on the big news in the last post. In the beginning I feel weird too, I don't cook very often and once something sounds good, that is the only thing that sounds good that day. Hopefully, you will feel good enough to cook and post your yummy recipes.
how cute :)
garsh he's handsome.
i don't know what was worse for me in sending my kid off to school, sending her off to someone else or the fact that i had a child old enough to be sent off.
He is awesome. I have a feeling I will love and hate pre-school all at the same time.
Did he love it? Did he make some new friends? Did you giggle as you walked to your car after dropping him off? I always get a bit giddy!
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