I am giving away a Modern Myrtle apron, in your choice of two fabrics. And these aren't cheapy fabrics. Joni uses Amy Butler and Heather Bailey fabrics. Fancy, fancy. If you enjoy the feeling of being overwhelmed, check out the fabric choices. It will give you the most delightful headache. If you want a pocket, Joni can add that if you want. Once the winner is chosen, they will be hooked up with Joni and she will take your fabric requests and turn it into an apron you will wear for years to come and maybe even hand down to your daughter.

If you don't win, don't be sad. Joni is offering 10% off to Rookie readers. So when you check out at modernmyrtle.com, type in "rookiecookie" for a discount. If you order through Etsy, convo her and mention Rookie Cookie and she will adjust the price accordingly.

So comment below. Let's see, what should you put in the comments... how about your favorite thing about last summer. For me, it was the evening golf cart rides with my boys. I will miss those when the snow is piling up.
You have until this Saturday, September 19th at the stroke of midnight to enter. Here's to hoping that YOU win.
I visited your blog this morning to get your recipe for the s'mores bars, and was delighted when I saw this giveaway!
My favorite thing about this summer would have to be playing with bubbles. All of my kids love to make the bubbles with the wand and then chase them around the yard.
I'm now off to make some s'mores and to check out Modern Myrtle!
Thanks for the great giveaway!
love her fabric choices! my favorite part about the summer has to be taking my son to the beach and him being old enough to really enjoy it. at seventeen months, he really loves everything about the sand and the waves and it makes me love it more!
These are some cool aprons. I bet i would be the first in switzerland to wear such a stylish apron for cooking :)
SWEET.I think it's about time I have a full-fledge apron. No more halfies :)
My favorite thing about summer is rocking on the front porch, watching my kid catch fire-fries (fireflies).
I just love your blog and so does my husband well as least the recipes I use. My favorite thing about last summer was I got Engaged on the top of Timp,
Hmm. My favorite thing...probably would have to be all the delicious ice cream stores we just had to try out. We moved at the beginning of the summer and did our best to explore our new area. Ice cream stores are a good way to learn about the area, as it turns out.
I soooooo want this win. I've been needing an apron for years and haven't gotten one yet. I've ruined several pieces of clothing with grease stains, etc.
My favorite thing was seeing all the neighborhood kids piled in my sandbox, playing. It makes me smile to think about it. Childhood is such a wonderful part of life.
Beautiful aprons - and great blog, by the way. I have had 100% satisfaction with every recipe I've tried of yours.
My favorite thing about this past summer was meeting my first little nephew for the first time.
Cute apron. I love how they have become so flattering now - I almost want to wear them out! :)
my favorite thing about this summer was sleeping in with my kids, all snuggled up in my big bed long after daddy left for work:)
see, you know that ellie started kindergarten and those mornings are gone now. i'm glad that i was smart enough to enjoy them while i could.
Not having to work!
Easy - our trip to WDW. Best trip I've ever taken.
These aprons are gorgeous. They look like dresses! Thanks for the chance to own one.
These aprons are awesome, I'm not sure if my kitchen skills are worthy of them but hey :)
My favorie thing about last summer was being able to spend more time with my family, my husband was laid off and while that part sucks I wouldn't take back the time we spent together with our 3 soon to be 4 munchikins!
My favorite thing about this summer were the trips that we took as a family- day trips to Chicago, Detroit, and other places, which were quite enjoyable.
Thank you!
My favorite thing about summer has been doing things with my boys that they haven't been old enough to do before....going camping, fishing, etc. Oh.....and uh, cooking yummy recipes from you with fresh fresh veggies!
Hey Rookie! I don't think I ever commented before....and the fact that I finally am, for a GIVEAWAY, seems sort of silly.
I am sorry about that.
Hey, how about this.....to PROVE that I am commenting on your blog because I like you Rookie, and not for a free apron, I withdraw my entry for said apron.
How about that!
I read all the other comments from your readers already, and everyone seems so nice. (and deserving!)
Thanks for a lovely blog! I check here everyday. I really do!
My favorite thing about summer is ice cream with my new husband! I also love summer cooking!
my favorite thing about summer was definitely my sister's wedding. i LOVED going home for a spell, sewing the dresses, making the cake, helping my sister feel extra-special, and celebrating L.O.V.E.
oh i would love to win!!!
my favorite thing about summer is watching my boys at the beach. running in and out of the waves. i love summer time!
Those look like dresses! Until you turn around that is and then its- "Oh! Nice!".
My fave thing about last summer was not having to stress about getting the kids feed and to bed by a certain time or up and ready early in the morning.
Very cool giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!
my favorite thing about last summer was being pregnant with my baby girl :-)
Awesome giveaway!! How perfect is it that the giveaway ends on my wedding night!! I could cook for my Mr. in this hot apron in our first year of marital bliss!!
My favorite memory from this summer would have to be when he popped the question in May...
And watching my little girl enjoy the playgrounds at the park because she is now old enough to run and play!
Super cute aprons!! :)
My favorite thing about last summer was family camping trips...great memories!
My favorite thing about this last summer was getting married! :) I love the aprons and the blog! Thanks for all you do!!!
ooh!! love them!
my favorite summer memory was taking my nephew (3) swimming and seeing his eyes light up :)
I LOVE THESE APRONS!!!! I really really hope I win.
I would have to say my fav part of summer was delivering a happy healthy baby boy. Okay I'll be honest. The delivery part...not so fun. However seeing him face to face is a memory I will cherish forever.
I spent a great day with my husband and kids hiking. My youngest said that it was the best day ever. It made us smile to know that we had so much to do that day but instead we spent it with the kids. It was totally worth a day for not getting anything done but making memories with my family.
My favorite thing about this summer was watching my kids play together in the sandbox. This is the first year they have been old enough to play together and it is a joy to watch.
How to choose one thing...BBQ's/eating on our patio/making everything I can think of with fresh tomatos and basil. Don't leave summer.
These aprons are really cute! One of these would be the perfect partner to my half apron that my mother just sent as a b-day gift. My favorite memory of last summer is driving home from the beach with Husband in my brother-in-law's vehicle, and being towed halfway home through the mountains. What fun!
Those aprons are so cute! My favorite thing about summer was getting out of the city (Las Vegas) and heat to visit our nearby mountain and the not-so-nearby ocean. Love me some ocean!
Summer....when my family came to visit me and we went to the Banana/GAP/Old Navy Returns warehouse in Northern Kentucky. Yes, shopping was the highlight of my summer. I had a boring summer.
i'm lucky enough to already have one of these in my "apron drawer", so i'm sure i am disqualified. just want to give my two cents and say you're gonna love that apron lucky winner!!!
and my favorite thing about this summer? hmmmm. well, probably playing with my kids in the evenings, doing sidewalk chalk, tracing their bodies and letting them color them in for all the neighbors to see for days, swimming, and just hanging out with my favorite little pals.
Beautiful aprons... I need one for my collection!
My favorite thing about last Summer was riding fourwheelers in the Montana mountains with my husband and kids. But that's my favorite thing every Summer...
My favorite thing this summer was our family 3 week long road trip. Love the aprons!
How fun! Let's see...best thing about summer. I'm gonna have to say it's so nice to be able to leave the house without putting on seventeen layers. Sure makes getting out the door with my kids a lot easier!
I LOVE these aprons!!! I would have to say my favorite thing about this last summer was swimming with my little 6 month old and then coming inside and eating yummy brushetta with fresh veggies!!
Those aprons are gorgeous! My favorite memory was our family vacation all over the beautiful state of California.
My favorite thing about last summer was that the temps were mild and not scorching hot.
so cute! I LOVE aprons. my favorite thing about this summer was my vacation with the hubs for our 3rd anniversary--we went to the beach for the first time together!
I have always wanted a cute apron like this! My favorite part about this summer is no doubt my new baby and getting to know him! Our first home is in second place!
My favorite thing was that our whole family got to go to a week-long Family Camp in the hills of southern New York. What a wonderful reunion!
My favorite thing about this past summer was all the fun trips we got to go on, I wish my husband had been able to go on more than he did, but the boys loved spending time with family. I asked the boys if they wanted to go to Utah for one day and the older 2 said "yes, to Papa Cy and Nannie's house?" (we went to Utah twice for family sealings, which were amazing, I had never been with kids before). I also enjoyed that my baby is a toddler now and I felt we could do more than the previous summer when I was recovering from a C-section. Sorry for the longest comment but I am really missing summer now that my oldest has started Kindergarten.
Favorite thing about last summer? Otter pops. It just doesn't feel right to eat them at any other time of the year so I over indulged.
love the aprons and the fabrics! i'd love to win!
my favorite thing about last summer was having my husband and kids home with me all the time. it was so nice to be together so much.
Oh my heavens, those are the cutest aprons I've ever seen.
Hmmm...my favorite thing about the summer is that the sun stays up so late for lots of extra outside playtime.
I need an apron bad! I always seem to be wearing a white shirt when I make spaghetti sauce.
My favorite thing about summer is sitting on the porch after dinner with the family while we eat ice cream cones.
My favorite thing about this past summer was the family trip to San Diego. Beach, La Jolla Cove, more beach, more La Jolla Cove. Yep... that was the best.
I will miss the cool summer nights, swinging with the kids, watching the bats fly over our heads.....
I miss the swimming with the kids. They love splashing and playing in the water.
Thank you for giving me a place to find something I can attempt to make...I've been very "uninspired" in the kitchen the past year..
Anyways, Favorite thing about summer:
Otterpops and sunsets.
Thank you!
Aezra Noell.
It was the 1st time my husband and I played golf together. I hadn't played since high school but he was very supportive and we had a great time. it was one of the reason he married me.:o)
By "YOU" you mean, me, right? :)
The summer...our trips to Pop's beach condo. I will miss the "sand between the toes" feeling when snow covers the (ohio) earth.
Those are adorable!! My favorite thing about this summer was moving into our new house...since that's about all we did this summer:)
Yeah! I love aprons!
My favorite thing about last summer was our family's trip to a beach house at Newport Beach. It was our first time there and we will totally going back ASAP!
Not having to get up at the crack of dawn to get my kids ready for school. I love sleeping in.
best thing about summer? refreshing cherry cokes.
I need an apron, you know, for the bedroom.
Having everyone home all day, especially on the days when everyone played nicely together!
Perfect aprons for cooking up a storm and lookin' good doing it!
My favorite thing about this summer was having time with my kids. No schedules, no running around -- just pure fun in the sun and time with each other as a family.
I love MM's aprons! It would be wonderful to actually have one.
Best thing about this summer, huh? Hmmm... our family reunion. I haven't been to one in 6 yrs and getting together with all of my cousins is guaranteed fun and foolishness. Especially because this year two of our younger cousins were finally old enough to really hang out with us old-heads. AWESOMENESS.
My favorite thing about this past summer was discovering the fabulous recipes that are to be had right here on Rookie-Cookie!! I have made a bunch of fabulous meals and treats because of you!
I hope that she can make an apron that will fit my vulumptuous frame!
Favorite part of summer...hmmm right now it's probably BLT's (at least a couple times a week around here with heirloom tomatoes) and local peaches yum...I'm sure once my girl gets a little older to enjoy the summer more it may move away from just the bounty of summers produce one day ;)
My favorite part of summer ... I actually have 2 favorite things. 1. we found out we are expecting our 3rd boy! and 2. we went to New York for a week and it was a wonderful, childless, relaxing, great food filled trip!
I will miss eating dinner outside on the deck with friends, and then roasting marshmallows for dessert
I've loved finding all sorts of new food blogs while getting through the slow hours at work. Yours was one of the first I started reading and now I have at least 15 bookmarked from following your links and links from other food bloggers.
One of these days I'll get around to the 17 bajillion recipes I want to try from everyone, and making them would be all the sweeter in such a adorable apron!
My tan. Yes, that's right one of my favorite things from the summer is fading as we speak. So vain, but golly I do so love not looking like a ghosty.
We are definitely gonna miss Living at the Pool. Even though Ava gets tanner then me... not even fair! I hate being white!
Wow! These are really cute! I'm excited to check out your blog.
Would have to be that: We actually had a spring and so summer wasn't so hot in Utah.
This summer was awesome because we spent so much time at the lake. Lake Tahoe is defiantly a heaven on earth. AND that apron would cap off my summer because it matches my kitchen. I need it.
My favorite things about last summer would have to be the time I got to spend with my husband and little girl...now that the school year is starting again my little one is in preschool and my husband is back to working FULL TIME ALL THE TIME! I miss those lazy summer days already!
CherryBLossomsDesign at hotmail
Seven nights of pure relaxation in Sea Ranch, California. That was the most perfect thing ever.
Cute aprons. Thanks for the giveaway!
Those aprons are all so cute! I'd love one--great giveaway.
I think the best thing about summer is that my kids can stay up later with no school the next day and we can all cuddle together watching a movie.
Oh dear, I am a sucker for aprons...
Fave Summer memory: all the siblings @ Mom & Dad's this Summer = good food, good conversation, beautiful surroundings... I'm a simple Sal ;)
P.S: I have made ur chipotle peach for 3 weeks straight now... I feel like I should be sending you a thank you card! lol ;)
Picking berries all summer long was the best part!
Amazing fabric you have!
Well, it's not summer yet here in Australia. But summer is gonna be here soon! And the best part of it, THE SUN! and lots of summer dessert of course.. =)
these aprons are soooo cute. My favorite thing about this summer was going out to salt lake and walking around sugarhouse. I love sugarhouse, the amazing shops and food and just the scenery! ahhhh-mazing.
I.love.aprons!! And these are adorable! Hands down, best thing about the summer, was our trip to California. We live in Oklahoma, where the summertime is often too hot to even enjoy, so the cool ocean breezes were a welcomed change for us!
My favorite thing about lasst summer is that I was pregnant. I just loved it. I get jealous any time I hear about someone else with a bun in the oven!
Also, my word identification word for this post is outfati. I love it when they are fun sounding words.
The sunlight, when we had some.
I love these aprons! Such cute fabric choices without being too fruffy or frilly.
This summer, the best part was becoming a home owner! Maybe not all of the repairs, painting, etc. and money spent...but being a homeowner is pretty dang great!
lots of favorite things about summer!!
love going up fruit way in northern utah & picking out all the delicious & locally grown yummies!
and...watching the kids play cooperatively (especially their made-up games) and get acquainted with their newest sibling.
p.s. i DID read your comment "intro"...good for you! it's so annoying when people do that!
oops...forgot my email -
apf59 {at} yahoo {dot} com
Holy cuteness... Wow... I love them... I hate wearing aprons because mine are so ugly/functional. Seriously. These are beautiful!
My favorite thing about last summer were the vacations back home... Gotta love going home!
My favorite thing this summer would have to be camping at mammoth lakes with my husband and daughter. It was beautiful! We hiked, fished, kayaked, some of us tried to swim but it was freezing, we cooked Dutch oven style (peach cobbler is the best), and we even saw a bear. He came up near the lakeshore and caught a fish. It was amazing!
My favorite part of last summer was taking all our kids (2yo girl, 2-6month twins) on a plane ride from IL to CA! :) they did wonderfully! We went to see my family. It was a great trip!
PS, The aprons are fabulous! I want one of my own!!!
Favorite thing about last summer...talking up the 'beach' (which is really bear lake) to my 3 year old son all summer, only to go the only weekend it was below 60 and FREEZING. Still a lot of fun!
Very cute aprons- they're magical!
favorite thing this past summer was attending two nieces weddings.
Love the aprons.
My favorite thing from last summer was the ren faire that I attended. I spent my formative years participating in the renaissance faires in southern California, and when I moved to Seattle, WA two years ago I thought I'd have to give that up. As luck would have it, just after I finished sewing a 1560's Venetian courtesan outfit, my schedule opened enough to allow me to attend the local faire here. I had a blast, made new friends, and even began a romance that weekend!
My favorite thing about last summer was spending a week with my parents before they left on a 3 year mission.
The best part of summer is it is too hot in AZ so we have to go to CA and visit the beach.....a great escape from the heat!
I LOVE these aprons. They are so cute. I need a major fashion update in the kitchen!
I love your blog and enjoy trying your recipes! Thanks for sharing your culinary passion and wisdom! :) My favorite thing about this last summer was watching my children with their friends...pure bliss! They were able to get lots of playdates in this year...we stuck around more this summer. I really enjoyed just watching them swim, jump on the tramp, ride their bikes, really just being kids! That is what summer is all about anyway, right?
Making Limeades, your recipe of course, after the kids were in bed and sitting on our deck with the tiki torches, enjoying the warm summer air. I love the apron and would treat it oh so kind.
hmmm...favorite thing about this past summer. Hearing the words.."they accepted your offer." Best summer activity....end of summer bbq, labor day weekend, swimming, hanging out with friends and watching the Cougars beat Oklahoma. Nothing better...
my favorite thing about this summer was coming home at the end of it. my husband is a law student and we had an internship in the bay area. let's just say the bay area didn't really love me as much as i hoped! darling aprons, i've never won anything, i'm thinking the universe owes me something here!
I need it! I need it! I love feeling all pretty in the kitchen in a cute apron, even if it isn't functional. My summer favorite...chilling with the kids and our road trips.
Going to Europe with my Dad who was recently diagnosed with lung cancer. We went to Florence, Italy and it was unforgettable.
Spent a week on the beach with 15 members of my family. It was awesome! Oh and I started training for a half marathon and ran more than I thought I ever would.
Those are some snappy aprons.
My favorite part of the summer was attempting to learn a few phrases in Italian and Portuguese so that I could attempt to make the two international students in my 5th grade classroom feel less alone.
What I loved about this last summer, well... I have two teens so seeing them grow independent and going off on their seperate ways was incredible. One went to Nicaragua to help with the church and the other to Boy Scout Camp to grow and have fun. It was so fun to see them doing their own things. Mom? Well... I went to work!:)
Those are absolutely darling! I am using my grandfather's butcher aprons and would love something 'girly'. Don't have any daughters to pass 'em down to, but have plenty of nieces~
I will miss the bugs the most, or rather watching my daughter discover, examine, and delight in each new one she had found.
I've never entered a giveaway before... but these are adorable.
I loved sitting out on the patio in the evenings watching my kids play in the yard, eating bbq hot dogs and eating fresh corn and zucchini. Such a perfect summer thing to do.
The best part about my summer was working with 10 cute little toddlers for my internship! I really hope I win! It'll be a great b-day present!
The best thing about summer was swimming with my little boy and nephews.
Thanks for a fun giveaway! Love the aprons!
Love your blog. Get fat just reading it. Am very sloppy; need an apron.
Best part of summer for me, or any summer for that matter, is wearing flip flops. I'm not a shoe person, I usually go barefoot when I can. I love being able to just slip my flops on and go. I hate taking 10 minutes searching for socks, and shimmying my foot into sturdy shoes, only to take them off later sopping wet from snow and have freezing tootsies all day.
My favorite thing would have to be stealing away into the quiet of the night after my children are in bed to get ice cream with my best friend and then spend hours talking to her while overlooking Provo. Am I a brown-noser? Absolutely.
My very favorite thing about the summer was barbecuing under the stars in the warm evening! Oh, how I wish the summer lasted year round!
My favorite thing about summer is traveling! These aprons are gorgeous! No more looking like a house frau when you are wearing one of these pretty little babies.
What gorgeous aprons! Boy do I ever need one of those!
My favorite nights of last summer involved cooking supper for my boyfriend and I (the majority from your blog!), and packing them up to take out sailing. This weekend, he admitted that my improved cooking skills have made him love me even more :) Thanks rookie cookie!
My favorite thing about summer was making good use of my picnic blanket:D--back yard bbqs, picnics in the park, the beach, etc. I will miss relaxing under the clouds come winter.
Adorable aprons! They add so much life to any kitchen:D
Wow! You are so popular! I'd love a cutie apron!!!!
I absolutely love all of the summer fruit!
Canoodling with my husband in the cool evening air in our backyard on the trampoline once the kids are in bed after a BBQ with fresh fish on the grill and salad and home made iceypoles or pavlova with fresh fruit and cream
I SO need this! I need a cute apron, or an apron at that! Let's see I think I could take the cake with my summer last year because a)I got married b)went on a Cali honeymoon and c)ate snow cones as much as possible.
I love summer night walks so very much! I was thrilled when suddenly the sun eased over the mountain and the heat let up a little so me and my family could venture into the day without sweating off my makeup! I will miss walks the most!
Spending time with the kids - no outside-imposed schedules.
Love the aprons! My favorite thing about summer-late nights playing outside with the kids and "collecting" neighbors in our yard. What fun having families get together and talk and visit while our kids play.
My son's first swimming lessons. It was delightful!
I will miss watching my son outside taking care of the flowers. He is 7 and loves everything to do with caring for plants. It is so sweet to watch him enjoy and love something so much.
For me it is nights at the Softball fields watching my hubby play and drinking a big ice cold Dr. P from Sonic!
My favorite thing was taking my boys to Disneyland for the first time. It was a magical vacation, one that we will never forget.
For me it will be road-tripping all over the Southern U.S. with the rugby girls - going to tournaments to play hard, party all night, and break hearts. We had a really good time.
Those are so cute! Last summer ahhh swimming everyday.. Daughter was obssessed with pool and we lived in condos so we had one. I can't believe another summer has pretty much come and gone...
My favorite thing about the summer was the barbeques and homemade ice cream! YUM!
darling aprons!
My favorite thing about last summer was enjoying my childood vacation with my own children.
This apron would be perfect for cooking breakfast for the hubby, you know, in the buff...
My favorite part of the summer was celebrating my little boys birthday and the summer holiday fireworks.
my favorite thing about last summer was swimming. it'a all we can do to keep cool in AZ. these aprons are awesome. i can only keep my fingers crossed.
Those apron fabrics are amazing! My favorite thing about this last summer (and most summers) is plenty of time to hang out and not be so scheduled. The kids have more time to be kids.
Such cute aprons! I would love a new one since the one I'm currently using has a giant Kings hockey logo on the front. Not very girly is it?
My favorite part of summer was watching my oldest learn to swim and then LOVING the water. He was always the last one out of the pool. It's so fun to watch your kids be confident in something they've just learned.
what a fun giveaway! woohoo!
Hands down our favorite summer activity was spending family time at my parents farm feeding their horses and swimming in the pool!
I need an apron badly and hers are gorgeous!
My favorite thing about this past summer would have to be all the great times spent outside at BBQs with friends and family.
Pick me. My favorite thing last summer was meeting you. (How's that for a suck-up!?)
My favorite thing about last summer was playing host to our numerous guests. I love the company.
My favorite thing about summer is swimming with the kids on warm AZ nights!
My favorite part of the summer is being home to be mom instead of a teacher! I get to play with my kids, and cook for fun during the day, and just play!
holy crap, people REALLY want an apron! (obviously i'm not entering because i'm not putting my favorite thing about last summer. unless cooking in my snowman apron counts as my favorite thing.)
I love swinging in the backyard with the kids!
I loved exploring inside and out with my girls. Rain or shine, we had some fun!
my favorite thing about summer has to be sleeping in with the kids...and NO homework!
The aprons are beautiful. And...my favorite thing this last summer was taking the kids to the pool and soaking up the sun while chatting with great friends (and watching the kids of course). ;-)
Watching my little boy learning to walk and run around all over outside.
Running through the sprinklers on luscious green grass!
Those aprons are so cute & I would love to win one!
My favorite thing about this summer would have to be hanging out with my hubby & little boy in the backyard while BBQing!
hmm...favorite thing about summer...
We spent the summer in Honduras as family working with a school there & honestly every day was amazing.
One of my favorite things was being taught to make things like hand tossed flour tortillas, pastelitos, and other ethnic food by sweet friends.
But watching my children play while not being able to speak the same language and it not mattering one bit...that made me smile...a lot!
How fun! Those aprons look so chic!
I check your blog 1-2x a month to plan out meals for the weeks ahead.
Fav thing about summer - watching my little kids ( 2y and 4y) swim in the kiddie pool at the neighborhood swim club.
I think my favorite part of the summer has been spending time with the boys at the beach or sandbox. I just plop down the bucket of sand toys and they play forever...and they even willingly share with other kids!
My favorite thing about this summer was eating out on the screened porch. And organizing my kitchen, oddly enough!
I love the apron in the first picture. Thanks for a great give away!
they're so cute. My favorite thing about summer was finding out we're expecting.
sleeping in!
The birth of my son!!
Oh how I love Modern Myrtle Aprons! My favorite part of the summer was wearing sandals every day. Short and sweet. :)
My favorite thing about last summer was spending quality time in a pool. Floating on a raft. With a book.
Lame, but true.
The best thing about last summer was my best friend visiting me. She drove all the way from Seattle with all 3 of her kids. It was so good to see her.
Hello Miss delightful! (no not a suck up, just follow you and so I know;})
I like cute aprons and have one from my husbands grandmother. Its cute...but I have to say I love, love love this one!
What I actually I loved about this summer was I was actually home. I quit my job so I could be home with my two youngest...17 amd 13. We had so much fun doing things like beach, sleeping in shopping, DC for the 4th of July, DC for a tea party (hubbys request, but still fun.) WE went to Hill Camorah sp? all fun stuff that I didnt get to do last year while working!
I'm addicted to your blog!!!
Favorite thing about summer- cherry seed spitting contest at this cute little fruit stand in Utah with my kids. They thought it was a riot and frankly, so did I!
My favorite thing about this last summer was bbq's with family. Food and family are my favorites!
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