So what? A picture of a door and a very Georgia O'Keeffe-esque painting (painted by my very talented sister, BTW). Well, its a picture of a new chain lock on my garage door. And there is another one on my front door. Am I afraid of intruders? No, I am sick of Jack escaping.
I spend a fair amount of time sitting on the couch feeding Baby Violet. Like for 30 minutes every 2 hours. During feeding time, Van gets into everything he shouldn't, like dish soap, the kitchen garbage, DVDs, the food processor blade attachments, baby wipes- the usual. While Van is busy, Jack likes to slippity-do-dah out the door to roam the neighborhood on his bike or scooter. The result is me having to pack up the babies in my car and go comb the neighborhood for my escapee. And having to do that really bakes my biscuits.
Remedy? I lock him in the house while I feed Violet. And so far, it's going quite well. And I know it is going well because he hates it.
and necessary
I am going to try my darnedest to "slippity-do-dah" that phrase into conversation tomorrow.
locks are good....escapees not so much......i drilled a hole straight into my bedroom door one day to add a hook & eye lock on the outside for this very reason......jason was annoyed that I didn't do a nicer job or wait for him.....but this nursing mama had had enough & your free arm only swings so far when you've got a baby @ the milk station......
Harper escaped at 4 in the morning. We have locks too. Apparently we didn't put them high enough cuz he got a chair and opened the door and got out again. So now they are as high as they can go. All ie well now.
Better to lock him in than out! (Although, it'll come in handy when he's a teenager and late for curfew...)
i love you.
I'm also adding "slippity-do-dah" as a permanent fixture in my vocabulary. Hey, we do what we gotta do, double-bolted doors and all, right? :)
Oh, snap, does he really? Without saying? What does he say when you pick him up? Do tell....it's got to be interesting. My home has these sensors whenever an outside door opens there's a chiming sound so, we know when one opens. No escape kiddos. I think pretty much all the houses have it here in FL.
hee-hee. we have the chain locks and now deadbolts with keys - so we can lock the door and take the key out...heaven help us if we ever have a house fire. just wanted to let you know that i get the dilemma...my crazy houdini kids can also pick interior locks with things like toy helicopter blades and toothpicks. love them too much to kill them. sigh.
ps: fair warning...they learn to push chairs up next to the door and undo the chain and let themselves out. and when you hide all the chairs in the garage, they just stack toys precariously and climb on up...
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