Up for grabs: An 11x14 inch print of the Julia Child quote, "You don't have to cook fancy or complicated masterpieces- just good food from fresh ingredients." In the background, it says "corn, green beans, tomatoes, zucchini, yellow squash, summer produce" over and over again. You get to choose which color from the ones below.

Deadline: Enter by Sunday, August 22. I am not totally sure on what time, just sometime on Saturday night, whenever I get around to picking our winner.
To enter: Leave a comment and tell me what your favorite summer beverage is. My answer? It's toss up between fountain Coke Zero and the breakfast fruit smoothies I have been really into making lately.
Giveaway furnished by Logophilia. If you like what you see here, go to her site to see more. And then buy something. If it's this print that is tickling your fancy, it will be available after this giveaway has ended.
Favourite summer beverage for me is also a toss-up - between ice-cold water or a nice cold Diet Coke!
Smoothies are yummy too :)
I'm very new to the blogging world and LOVE yours. Your recipes are fresh and your comments are entertaining. MY favorite summer beverage has been my own breakfast smoothies.. with Mango Vanilla being at the top!!
It was my morning iced coffee. I miss it so...
There's a little gyro shack here in Boise that not only makes a dang good gyro, but also a raspberry lemonade made with pureed ripe raspberries. Mmmmm...hot damn it's good!
PS: I made your zucchini blueberry muffins last night. They were delicious, and delightfully friendly to my son with diabetes. I've gotta thank you for that little gem of a recipe. In fact, I haven't made one of your recipes that we haven't liked. So thanks. =)
My husband created my favorite summer drink - Peppermint Limeade sweetened with a tiny pinch of stevia. It is so refreshing!
Hmmm...my fave would have to be lemonade and all the variations! Like cucumber lemonade. That's sooo good :)
My fav summer drink is a mojito. Nothing too sweet, more dry and minty. And then second would be sangria. Sangria just makes me think of summer.
Oh goodness, I would LOVE to win this print to hang in my kitchen! My favorite summer beverage would have to be raspberry lemonade with herbal tea mixed in! Cool, refreshing, and delicious!
CherryBlossomsDesign AT hotmail
For me there is nothing like a California ice tea, half lemonade-half ice tea!
favorite summer beverages....icy cold water with lemon, and the delish strawberry peach smoothies my husband has been making! yummm
ooohhh!! I love this giveaway!! I've always loved Julia Child- she's such an inspiration.
My favorite drink in the summer is water with lots of ice.
My favorite summer beverage is a toss up between an Arnold Palmer and a Stella Artois.
Great giveaway!
Nothing can beat ice cold water, but if I had to choose something else,... Vanilla Dr. Pepper! Love it!
I love iced tea. I drink it alllll the time. My Favorite? Peach White Tea.
My favorite summer drink is WATER -- room temp water. weird huh, but I just cant get enough of it . :)
Favorite summertime beverage: DIET DR. PEPPER. Your Mom is a girl after my own heart :). And spinach smoothies, with a cup of milk, three handfuls of spinach, two scoops protein powder, a banana, and a tbsp of peanut butter. Delish, healthy, and even my kids dig it.
I love grape soda. It's pretty much delicious!
I hope I win. That's sounds terribly, horribly selfish, but I really really want that print Thanks for your generosity!
Being in my first trimester all summer, Diet Coke for the headaches and V8 vegetable juice for the cravings (which, btw, is delicious going down, but not coming up).
Margaritas. Any flavor, really.
I love a good homemade smoothie. I recently got a recipe from Or So She Says.com for a tropical fruit slushie that is really yummy and I have made several times in the last month. YUM!
Sierra Mist from Taco Bell.
Oh this is an easy one! Hands down my favorite summer beverage is my mom's homemade iced tea. It is a staple to every summer memory. It is just sweet enough, and she floats fresh mint leaves or orange slices in it. There is nothing more refreshing! We are both adults, but yet my sister and I look for it every time we go to her house for a visit.
My favorite summer beverage would have to be green smoothies. I drink them for breakfast all the time and they are so refreshing. And lots of water too...when it's hot outside I feel like chugging water all day long!
My absolute favorite summer beverage are izze's! Oh how in love thee, let me count the ways! In fact, I may go buy some tomorrow. YUM.
Hmm...favorite summer beverage would have to be a cherry limeaid from Sonic. Thank goodness for happy hour because I go there at least twice a week to get my drink on!
Ooh. I would love this for my kitchen!
Okay, favorite drink? Does shave ice count? If not, I choose Brazillian Limeade. Mmm.
I just found a new one: Diet Mountain Dew with a squirt of cherry syrup!
I'm not entering, not that I don't like the prize, it's just Logophilia is my oldest chix and it wouldn't be right for me to enter - I just had to stop by to say:
Thank you Megan and Keli'i! Finally a classy soul who puts the Doctor first on the drink list. Well done.
Sun Tea!! I like to put frozen strawberries in it in lieu of ice. Hmmm...summer:) Thanks for a chance to win!
Right now I'm loving a chocolate covered cherry shake from a little place here in town.
Real limeaid!
Cute print! My favorite summer drink is a nice cool glass of white wine!
I love those prints! My favorite summer drink is definitely limeade!
That is super cute, and you are super funny. My favorite summer beverage is flavored lemonade. This week it has been raspberry, delicious.
I've been drinking a new drink lately that is delicious--an orange/creamsicle made with milk and OJ. YUM. Recipe coming soon.
I love this print! And my favorite summer drink would have to be sweet tea, since I'm in the South. Especially if it's poured over some Sonic crushed ice!
Favourite summer beverage for me is ice cold water with icecubes..
Btw; I am a Julie&Julia-fan. A big one.
Have to say Smoothie is my fave. :) Next to water.
And a J&J-poster would fit perfectly in our kitchen! :)
a 32 oz'er with minimal ice, about three seconds of lemonade and 17 seconds of fountain diet coke. and a rice krispy treat to wash it down.
I LOVE this print so much!!!
Favorite summer drink would have to be an ice-cold Strongbow, it's so nice to sip one on the porch as the lazy, hot days roll by :)
Mine is homemade lemonade!
Water with TONS of ice!
I have to go with ice cold lemonade. It just screams summer!
Wow this print is the perfect gift for my fiance who is a chef! And his birthday is Sept 4, perfect! I would have to say my all time favorite - Iced Tea!
My favorite summer drink is my favorite all year round. Diet Dr. Pepper.
I'm currently in love with ice water with a slice of lime.
Love this print! My favorite summer drink has been cold ice water with lemon...
My fav summer beverage is homemade strawberry lemonade. Goo-o-ood!
Random, but cranberry juice with lime. I don't drink it often, but when I do I really enjoy it.
I really only ever drink water, but I once had a frozen lemonade with little bits of pineapple, watermelon and mango in it and it was amazing!
Fresh strawberry lemonade!
Mine is definitely fresh squeezed lemonade....and any variations of it (I tried Brazilian Limeade the other night and it was sooooooo good).
Water:) Plain and simple.
A Lime Ricky or a Mango Lassi
How fun! Her prints are super cute.
And I love fruit smoothies in the summer time. And I recently discovered watermelon juice, which is also truly refreshing.
strawberry limeades from Sonic
Frozen strawberry margaritas! :)
Fresh fruit smoothies. Delicious.
Strawberry Lemonade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This summer, it's all about Dr. Pepper. Normally it's something fruity though, with rasberries or strawberries in it.
I have been loving Diet Sunkist for quite a while.
Ice cold raspberry lemonade, or something mixed with vodka is great too!
I love to make raspberry sun tea and then drink it with lots of ice! I don't like to sweeten mine, but a little simple syrup is a nice addition if you want it.
I am hooked on Crystal Light lemon ice tea!! I do love Trader Joes's Blueberry Green Tea made into ice tea too.
Citrus Peach Fresca. Zero calories. Lots of goodness.
Love that print! My favorite summer beverage is a fountain Pepsi (not diet) with "poop ice" and a squeeze of lemon. Now I need to go get one!
I would have to say at the Moment— Frozen Hot Chocolate, The serendipity Recipe is my Favorite but Dairy Queen makes one very well!!
hmmmm. i am a water girl all the way. but, when, at the end of the day, i realize i haven't eaten any fruit, i whip up a mean fruit smoothie.
I love fresh lemonade from the farmers market white I'm strolling threw all the lovely tents! And blueberry strawberry smoothies for breakfast :)
love raspberry lemonade!
What a cool giveaway. I love strawberry pina colada, virgin style so the whole family can enjoy.
Pomegranate Lemonade. You can find this little gem at Nordstroms Cafe in front of the store. It's fantastic. My other favorite? A Clementine Izze. Yum!
Hmm.. favorite summer drink.. definately blueberry lemonade!! So good, just add blueberries. Thanks for the great give away!
p.s. your peanutbutter sandwich cookies are to DIE for.
Homemade Cucumber Limeade with fresh mint. It's refreshing and always hits the spot!
Ice cold water with a little lime or lemon.
Love that print!
My favorite summer drink and well year around drink is prob a diet Pepsi from Target, and the popcorn for the kids!
I would love to win this print! It is so adorable. My favorite summer beverage is any fruit smoothie. Smoothies are so yummy on hot summer days. Thanks!
it's a toss up between a tall glass of ice water.... and a fat diet dr pepper.
and well, that goes for winter too.
strawberry lemonade!
I like raspberry iced tea! Mmm!
Oh gosh! So hard to choose...I love ice cold summer drinks! I will have to go with any kind of iced coffee...my favorite.
That Megan sure is a talented gal!
Mine would be a three way tie. ce cold water (I'm being serious), Jamba Juice Peach Pleasure (minus bananas, add orange sherbet) and a grape lime rickey.
I agree with all those people who love ice water most. I don't like to drink my calories (believe me, that's the only place I'm willing to cut calories). So if I do want something flavored I do Crystal Lite (Wal-mart brand, much cheaper, just as good) lemonade with lemon slices floating in it.
Oooh that's a hard one. I love strawberry lemonade and cherry limeade! Yummo!
My favorite summer beverage is Fresh squeezed orange juice - with pulp, of course. If I can't get the real thing, whenever Simply Orange is on sale I snag it!!
It's a recent discovery, but I'd have to say Cockta (pronounced Coke-ta). It's a soft drink they have in some countries in Europe.
Homemade Lemonade or TAZO Passion Iced Tea with Stevia. Mmmmm....
Large unsweetened iced tea with lots of ICE!
Lemonade! Thanks for the great giveaway!
julien [at] alumni . clemson . edu
Lemonade in almost any variety.
My favorite summer beverage is cherry limeade! So good.
My favorite would either be a jamba or lemonade.
Izze Sparkling Fruit Juice!
my sister made me some watermelon lemonade the other day, and it was delightful.
i think the fact that your pb sandwich cookies account for any & all weight gain this year should count for an extra entry. ha! kidding. but really, they are delicious.
Mmmm mine is this pina drink from MexSal in Provo. It's pineapple but not super sweet and it has tiny bits of fruit in it. So good.
Diet Coke with a slice of lemon!
My favorite summer drink is lemonade with fresh raspberries in it.
nordstromemily at hotmail dot com
Definitely a Lime Rikki - club soda, grenadine, lots of crush ice, half a lime, a marshino cherry and a straw. ahhh...refreshing and looks amazing.
I love lemonade in the summer. It reminds me of hot summer days on the farm, especially the evenings in the wheat field during harvest. We took a break for supper in the shade of the grain trucks. Even with a bit of wheat chafe stirred in, that lemonade always quenched the thirst. Love your blog. I'm most certainly not the best cook in the world so your recipes get me out of the rut of spaghetti and tacos I sometimes get stuck in.
Definitely raspberry lemonade!
I don't care... as long as it has ice! Its too hot to drink lukewarm drinks!
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