When my parents moved, I felt it important that I fly out to Utah and help my mom pack. It seemed very ceremonious as I took down the pictures and cleaned out the cupboards. My mom also took this time as a dejunking time. She took truck loads of old things to DI. Luckily, I was there to make sure she didn't get rid of everything.

I snagged lots of things from her grabby getting-rid-of clutches. Like an old soup tureen and the tea pot we used to play tea party with. One thing that I made sure I took home was her first cookbook. She was really going to get rid of it! It was an old Betty Crocker cookbook. The pages are torn and splatter-stained. There are tons of handwritten notes in it from my mom's days as a new bride learning her way around the kitchen. It was so used that the binding is held together with tape. And to think she was trying to get rid of it!

The other day, I found it in my cupboard. And I found all the recipes we used to use. Like the recipe my sisters and I would use to make suckers. Or the frosting recipe for cupcakes. As I have been feeding Violet over the last few days, I have flipped through and found some great recipes. Everything is very 1970's retro.

So Mom, nice try. Like I was going to let you toss that cookbook.
what a memory!!!! and a treasure to have. my mom has/had that same cookbook. I've got to call her today & see if she kept it. I've always thought a cookbook or recipe box is like a miniature life history. my recipe box is a collection of people I've known over the years & their favorites they've been kind enough to share.
AWESOME!! My mom used to have that very cookbook, and she did get rid of her's. I've never forgiven her! I remember that totally cool sucker/tinker toy thing. Way to go saving it!
I have my mom's old one too! It's got a 1961 copy write and is printed in only four-ish colors. I bought a new one, because the old one is falling apart, only to discover that the new one is nothing like (or as good as) the old one.
My mom also had that same cookbook. I remember learning so much from Betty Crocker herself :) Then, as a birthday present back in high school she got me one of my own. (it is missing some of my favorite recipes though because it is the newer addition) still a favorite though! Way to snag it!!
Oh my word how cool!
I'm glad you rescued the cookbook and that you're getting to remember all these things by reading it :)
THAT Betty Crocker is worth a lot of green these days.
I loved that book.
Not sure if my mom has one of those. Although, she is like your mom and probably sent it to the DI.
I do love the pictures in that thing. Fantastic.
That's right, beat up the mother...
That is awesome. The Betty Crocker cookbook has been a part of my family's cooking for several generations now, and my Granny makes it a point to give each grandchild a version as a wedding present. Some of us have even been lucky enough to get older editions that she's found at garage sales or thrift stores!
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