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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Right now it is windy outside and the sky is grumbling. Hopefully it is getting ready to pour. I would love it if it would.

Both of my babies are still asleep and I am enjoying the silence as I type. Ethan was up at 4:00am to go cater a breakfast for 75 early risers. I think the menu was yogurt, maple and granola parfaits, sweet potato hash with green chile hollandaise and poached eggs and then he said something about a breakfast bruschetta. All of that sure beats whatever we are going to have for breakfast. Maybe buttermilk pancakes? Yeah, I think so.

I hope your sky grumbles and pours today.

With love,



Ingrid_3Bs said...

Thanks! I hope my sky does but I need a good dose of lightning so that our 4 plus hours of baseball practice is cancelled. I'm doing the lightning dance as I type this!

Enjoy your day!

jenniferhoiyin said...

i'm waiting for that same event.
and uh, buttermilk pancakes beat what I had for breakfast!

Sarah said...

I love rainy days. Too bad I was working during all the rain here. You don't really hear the sound of the rain inside a big hospital.